Volunteer applications – please note this procedure is in need of modification [30/05/2018]
- Potential volunteer makes contact with Foodbank
- Invited in for informal chat on type of opportunities interested in and time they can give
- Application form given out
- Application form received and references taken up by s Rowley
- Once references received invited in for induction
- Volunteer taken through induction (grey file in cream filing cabinet)
- Asked to sign confidentiality form/driver information form (if relevant Forms sent to S Rowley for filing
- Volunteer signs to agree training has been given (grey file)
- Contact details of volunteer sent to Mary Tomlinson who arranges rotas.
- New volunteers watch experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable to join rota
- Safeguarding policy need extending (see M Willis)
- DBS checks to start, drivers first
- L Fugill has a company in Hexham who is to do this