Generic Job Description for all Trustees

Trustees are appointed at the AGM, however the trustees may appoint a new trustee to temporarily fill a vacancy or to bring in additional skills or experience. Such a trustee will retire at the next AGM but can then formally be appointed.

There is a new role of Associate Trustee to complement and broaden the experience and skill set of the Board of Trustees.  It is particularly suited to those who are unable to fully commit to the demands and responsibilities of being a trustee or who may want to learn more about the role before committing themselves. It offers potential Trustees an insight and better understanding of the Food Bank governance.  Associates will contribute to the routine working and decision making alongside the Board of Trustees.

All trustees should attend all scheduled Board Meetings as far as possible. Apologies should always be given prior to the meeting. A minimum attendance of two thirds of scheduled meetings is required unless there are extenuating circumstances agreed by the Board.

Main duties and responsibilities for ALL trustees (including Associate)

  1. Maintain an awareness of the business by acting with reasonable care and skill, taking advice when needed.
  2. Ensure that the charity follows its governing document and follows charity law requirements and other laws that apply to the charity.
  3. Give enough time, thought and energy to the role, for example by preparing for, attending, and actively participating in all trustees’ meetings.
  4. Actively contribute to setting strategic direction.
  5. Monitor the financial position and ensure that WVFB operates within its means. Check annually that robust financial systems and controls are in place and that there are clear lines of accountability for financial management.
  6. Act in the best interests of WVFB at all times (including declaring any conflicts of interest)
  7. Take responsibility for own learning and development.
  8. Maintain confidentiality about any sensitive or confidential information received in the course of duties as a trustee.
  9. Make use of personal skills and experience and take advice when necessary.

Personal skills and qualities for all trustees

  1. Commitment and availability to attend Trustee meetings
  2. Effective communication skills and willingness to take part actively in discussion
  3. Willingness to gain knowledge of local needs and resources
  4. Willingness to act in the best interests of the organisation
  5. Ability to understand and accept responsibilities and liabilities as trustees and employers
  6. Good numeracy skills, to the extent needed to understand the accounts, with the support of a treasurer
  7. Willingness and ability to learn and develop in the role
  8. Work effectively as a member of a team

Helping anyone in the Wansbeck Valley area with an emergency need for food.

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